Thursday, April 19, 2007

ANC2C02 Meeting

Don't forget the meeting ANC Commissioner Kevin Chapple has scheduled for 7:00 tonight at the Kennedy Recreation Center for his single member district. He has a very interesting agenda planned (for full info go here). Particularly if you have issues regarding nuisance properties, a representative from DCRA will be there to field questions.


At 4/23/2007 7:59 PM, Blogger SHAW 2.0 said...

Daddyfiveoh, back in February after the Queen of Sheeba owner presented his proposal for an interim liquor license, Ms. Sutherland stated that she was representative of Shiloh Baptise Church attending the meeting to present Shilho’s opposing view against granting Queen of Sheeba a Liquor license.

On my blog you stated that “Shiloh is a sleeping tiger.” I strongly disagree.
Shiloh opposed the liquor licenses of Be Bar, Vegitate and now Queen of Sheeba. According to Alex Padro, Shiloh is one of the biggest roadblocks to development in Shaw.

My park in idea stems from my belief that we need to be more vocal in dealing with Ms. Sutherland, Leroy, and Doris Brooks. We spend a lot of energy typing away on our blogs about the way things are going in Shaw. We would all do better to use our blogs to motivate people to get out and do something constructive in the community that will lead to a better Shaw for everyone.

Ms. Sutherland, LT and Doris are not open to considering the needs of all of Shaw’s residents, but rather only those that fit into their narrow view of Shaw. They are bullies, and yes, they do have a right to their own view. So do we. And to be successful in building a community that represents the needs of all Shaw residents, we need to find ways to appropriately match their rhetoric. After considering the arguments against a park in, I realize it would not accomplish my goal of a more representative community.

DaddyFiveOh, calling me a “jerk” because I’m trying to make this community better is a bit over the top. Who ends up the bad guy in the park in equation all depends on how one spins the message. A well-organized park in staged at the appropriate time in our efforts to thwart the likes of Shiloh Baptist church and Ms. Sutherland would be step forward. That said, it is too soon in our fight for this type of tactic and I sincerely hope that we never have to resort to such measures.

At 4/23/2007 10:10 PM, Blogger DaddyFiveOh said...

Shaw 2.O: I'm responding to you off line about this.


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